Marketing Services

Marketing Services

Why make countless calls to marketing vendors every month?

Let the professionals at Overdryve handle that part and give you back your time!

Overdryve creates a customized marketing plan and does all of the heavy-lifting so that you can focus on your family, your customers, your team members and your business. Relax, and let Overdryve do the rest!!


Personalized plan, focused on your specific needs

First, we will do a comprehensive review of your business. We will then build a custom strategy and achievement plan based on your individual needs, with a detailed analysis of Service Provider selections. We handle the negotiating, the follow-up, the proposal, the training and ongoing support.


Monthly progress meet-up

Most importantly, we will meet with you every month to make sure your Service Providers are delivering the best results and we stay on track with our plan.


Save the Cookies for the Cookie Monster

Overdryve has a “NO cookie-cutter” approach!! Every business is different and every business has different goals, so every business should have their own customized plan! Whether you’re looking to increase your sales, improve your gross profit, or build a community brand, Overdryve can help you!


We work with vendors who specialize in:

  • Show Answer Websites and SEO
  • Do you have a speciality? Is there a type of job or service you prefer? Every business has a preference of the type service. If that’s the case, consider Google Ads. With simple keyword searches, your business can be displayed a banner at the very top of Google search. You pay a certain amount per click (hence, Pay per click), and you are only charged when someone clicks on your Ad.
  • There’s two types of businesses: Businesses who love Yelp, or businesses who hate them. Either way, depending on where you’re located, your customers live here, so you need to have a presence. Yelp can be expensive, so it’s not always recommended unless you’re in a metropolitan area with heavy competition. Overdryve will pull the data on Yelp usage in your local area and determine whether or not Yelp is right for you. Overdryve will measure the results and as long as we’re getting a positive ROI, we keep it and continue to grow.
  • Word out mouth is going nowhere! But as the internet continues to evolve, a large portion of word-of-mouth has shifted online. People can learn so much about you by reading what your customers are saying. I know what you’re thinking… “What about that disgruntled customer who gave me an unfair review”. That’s why managing your online reviews is so critical – good or bad. Let the professionals at Overdryve help you!
  • There are hundreds of social media sites out there, but Overdryve focuses on the ones with a massive following and can bring you business! Rather than blast campaigns on isolated social media sites with no traffic, we gauge the amount of unique visitors on all of these sites and keep you in front of people…. actual potential customers!. Consider your brand the billboard on the most heavily-trafficked highway in the WORLD with Overdryve!!

    Let Overdryve do the heavy-lifting and take Marketing off your plate! You keep the relationships you have with your current Marketing vendors, we manage the nuts and bolts and help keep your bays filled with quality cars!

Ready for an overdryve?

APA Total Car Care

Mike is a great person and a guy who does what he says he's going to do. He genuinely cares about his clients and the auto service industry

Sean and Kelly Gordon, APA Total Car Care

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